Wednesday, September 20, 2023

From ID to WA via Roger's 55th reunion

We headed to Meridian the next day to visit with Cukurs. It was good to get caught up on their lives! Joy fixed a delicious meal for us. That night we parked in their church parking lot.

On Friday we drove almost to the Columbia River, spending the night in OR.

Roger's 55th high school reunion was Saturday. It was a lovely day and we had 2 hours outside visiting. Then on to the dinner inside - the food was super; the "entertainment" (reminiscing) was good, too. That night we stayed in the Apple Tree parking lot.

Sunday we attended the church Roger once went to - however the building has been purchased by another group and the service was unique, to say the least! Then it was on home, arriving at 6 p.m.

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