Thursday, March 30, 2023

High Dessert-Winter-R.V.-XXX

Tuesday was off to Bend, OR. However, we found snow and ice abounding on the road. We went through a blizzard – wild winds, white-outs, slippery roads, and 3 semis in the ditch. At our friends’ house – David and Betty Starr – friends of many years, we enjoyed coffee and coffee cake, along with reminiscing. They live next to a daughter, with another one a mile away, which is why they moved from WA.

Despite terrible weather and road conditions we made it to Ontario, OR, on the ID border, just after dark. Once we got over 4 mountain passes, up to 6,880 feet high, the weather moderated and we pushed on to 9 p.m. At Love’s, we got one of the last truck parking spots. By getting a membership with them, with their 10 cent discount, we bought gas for $3.29!

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