Thursday, March 23, 2023

Focus on the Family & R.V. Issues

Tuesday morning we were ready to visit Focus on the Family, which was the main reason we came to CO! As we drove down the last hill that takes us to them (Colorado Springs is built on hills), the R.V. brakes refused to cooperate. They shook the vehicle violently sideways and it felt like the whole R.V. was going to be shaken apart. We were both traumatized by that experience and knew we had to get it fixed before going anywhere else. So, that became our morning obsession – find a repair shop that could take it right in. In the meantime, our friends hadn’t heard from us, so they called. We explained what had happened and they met us for lunch at Smashburgers. It shares a parking lot with Focus, so we walked to lunch.

Les Schwab took on the R.V. work and allowed us to spend the night in their parking lot. The next day Grosenbach’s loaned us their car and we returned to Focus, since we hadn’t done any touring there. One thing I wanted was to eat at Whit’s End (of Adventures in Odyssey fame). I had a sundae & it was better than I thought possible!

The R.V. was ready mid-afternoon. We had a Mexican dinner with Doug and Becky, and then found a church to attend together (our friend’s church canceled that day). The pastor spoke on “having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof” using King Josiah and the people as his example. After ice cream, we said good-bye to our friends and spent another night at Les Schwab’s. (They offered their house, but we prefer our R.V.!!)

We had a tire alignment appointment for the next morning and got there first thing. But they couldn’t do it since there were other issues. Those issues we had to put on the back burner until we get home. Some major things need to be addressed!

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