Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Rapid City August Events

There was a fair in town, so on Saturday we all went to the fair. Wyatt, almost 3, really liked the car-go-‘round. He rode it many times. Between cars and motorcycles, he was happy. His sister was even easier to please. Roger & I each rode one ride! We ended the evening with a red velvet funnel cake. Thankfully there were 6 of us to help eat it!

Sunday we attended a “new” church. Both kids really took to it immediately – no tears leaving them and no tears picking them up! Maybe this will work for their family. All 6 of us attended.
Ruby’s Tuesday for Sunday brunch. A nice view on a hill. Too much food!!
Monday was a busy day, because Zoey will be starting school. We toured several schools, and settled on the requested (transferred) public school. Galina will be driving her every day. Then we went shopping – clothes and school supplies. It was a busy day. Alan had to leave for work at 3:30 a.m., so we won’t see him again this stop.
Wyatt is our youngest grandchild. He was born on Heather's Dad's birthday, the year after Dad died. That makes him extra special (plus we only have 3 g'sons - 10 g'daughters)!!
Zoey and her "friend":

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