Friday, August 16, 2019

Miss Breezy Likes the Road!

We have decided our "new" Sea Breeze will be nicknamed "Breezy".

Leaving home just slightly later than planned on Wednesday, we were happy that traffic was light & the weather couldn't be better. A regular stop for us crossing Snoqualmie Pass:

We gassed up in ID for cheap gas ($2.57/gallon - 50 cents less than home!!).

Breezy doesn't mind mountain passes - no overheating - which is a good thing, since we've crossed at least 7! Almost all of Montana is mountains...The first night we pulled into Haugen, MT. 50,000 Silver Dollars' exit provides free R.V. parking!! One of our favorite places. The store has beautiful wooden plaques with Bible verses on them.

Sunset in MT, big sky country:


Thursday we got to Billings, MT. This route has become so regular that we remember places we stopped, etc. Pulling into an off the road rest area, we agree we've been there before! We made a brief stop at Heather's cousin Judy's Wagon Wheel Motel and Restaurant in Drummond, MT. She's planning on selling and moving, so we were glad we took the time to say "hi".

We have been good to keep the speed to 65 or less. But that means almost everyone passes you!!

We forgot how many passes we have to cross to get to the plains!! At least a dozen - sometimes just called "chain up area"! Montana stretches on and on, but it is beautiful:

1 comment:

  1. Big sky country for sure! Finding myself drawn to the open sky areas... guess it reminds me of my childhood years of open prairie... perfect time to drive and enjoy the beauty .....
