Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Music, Laughter and Rain Storms

We're still at Silver Dollar City, MO. The music is so uplifting - "What can wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus"; "The Midnight Cry"; "When Jesus steps out on the clouds to call His children, the dead in Christ shall rise..."; etc. Such jubilant music!! Jesus is coming again and He wants His kids home with Him!!

We also got to experience several mid-west thunder storms. The first one caught us - even though we had an umbrella, a rain poncho and a rain jacket, we both got soaked!! But by the evening we were pretty much dried out (except for our shoes). Today we had another - short warning 70mph winds and hail. We "parked" in the ice cream parlor and sat it out!!

The evening concerts are so inspiring. Triumphant's song "Wave the white flag of surrender" always moves me. And tonight we had a hymn sing with over 3,000 people.

One evening while sitting in the amphitheater a neon bright rainbow appeared overhead. Such vivid colors are unusual.

It's truly refreshing to be here. Refreshing others was the Sunday morning sermon topic by Dennis Swanberg - a comedian and preacher. Today's comedian was Tim Lovelace. Check out some of their online videos. We love to laugh! We are blessed!

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Driving through western Iowa and Missouri we were shocked by the flooding we saw. Houses and farms totally surrounded by water, railroad tracks moved and the highway we drove had the other lane blocked off because it was falling off and there were sink holes! A different experience than seeing it on T.V.
We had one night of heavy rainfall but the weather has been pleasant for the most part.
The gas prices never cease to amaze us - over $1 less than home!

Today we arrived at Silver Dollar City and have already enjoyed several concerts.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Southeast South Dakota

On the road again. We had an air leak in a rear tire valve, so Roger took Miss Breezy in to get fixed. That delay meant that we had to rearrange our schedule a little. So, we took a different route without losing time and miles and drove by the Heritage Hall Museum. This southeast corner of SD was settled by Mennonites, Hutterites and Swiss. Since that is some of Heather’s lineage, we stopped to tour the museum. They were closed (we got there at 6 p.m. – they closed at 4). In the window was a poster advertising a movie that was shot about the settling of the area. Roger was taking a picture of it when the door opened and the manager offered to let us in. She was there for meetings and saw us arrive. No sneaking around with a 31’ R.V.! She turned on the lights just for us. It was a large museum with items that interested both of us and we had an enjoyable tour, completely alone in there!

We spent a peaceful night at Walmart in Yankton, SD.

Rapid City August Events

There was a fair in town, so on Saturday we all went to the fair. Wyatt, almost 3, really liked the car-go-‘round. He rode it many times. Between cars and motorcycles, he was happy. His sister was even easier to please. Roger & I each rode one ride! We ended the evening with a red velvet funnel cake. Thankfully there were 6 of us to help eat it!

Sunday we attended a “new” church. Both kids really took to it immediately – no tears leaving them and no tears picking them up! Maybe this will work for their family. All 6 of us attended.
Ruby’s Tuesday for Sunday brunch. A nice view on a hill. Too much food!!
Monday was a busy day, because Zoey will be starting school. We toured several schools, and settled on the requested (transferred) public school. Galina will be driving her every day. Then we went shopping – clothes and school supplies. It was a busy day. Alan had to leave for work at 3:30 a.m., so we won’t see him again this stop.
Wyatt is our youngest grandchild. He was born on Heather's Dad's birthday, the year after Dad died. That makes him extra special (plus we only have 3 g'sons - 10 g'daughters)!!
Zoey and her "friend":

Friday, August 16, 2019

Miss Breezy Likes the Road!

We have decided our "new" Sea Breeze will be nicknamed "Breezy".

Leaving home just slightly later than planned on Wednesday, we were happy that traffic was light & the weather couldn't be better. A regular stop for us crossing Snoqualmie Pass:

We gassed up in ID for cheap gas ($2.57/gallon - 50 cents less than home!!).

Breezy doesn't mind mountain passes - no overheating - which is a good thing, since we've crossed at least 7! Almost all of Montana is mountains...The first night we pulled into Haugen, MT. 50,000 Silver Dollars' exit provides free R.V. parking!! One of our favorite places. The store has beautiful wooden plaques with Bible verses on them.

Sunset in MT, big sky country:


Thursday we got to Billings, MT. This route has become so regular that we remember places we stopped, etc. Pulling into an off the road rest area, we agree we've been there before! We made a brief stop at Heather's cousin Judy's Wagon Wheel Motel and Restaurant in Drummond, MT. She's planning on selling and moving, so we were glad we took the time to say "hi".

We have been good to keep the speed to 65 or less. But that means almost everyone passes you!!

We forgot how many passes we have to cross to get to the plains!! At least a dozen - sometimes just called "chain up area"! Montana stretches on and on, but it is beautiful: