Monday, April 16, 2018

Spring 2018 RV Trip 2nd Posting

We attempted to visit with daughter Mary in Columbia, MO, but were not able to make connections.

Next stop was our GUIDE retreat at CEF headquarters in Warrenton, MO. We did have the old enemy, WIND, but otherwise no weather issues despite snow warnings…It was great getting to know fellow believers who have a common purpose in life – to win children to Christ. We greatly enjoyed our time there. They are always looking for volunteers – room and board free!
The retreat ended Sunday morning early. We found a church to worship in on our way south to West Plains. There we met with Bryanna and Rosie (her foster moms have called her that – it’s a middle name) at the local McDonald’s.

Rosie, 1

Bryanna, 2

I know I may be imagining, but I think Bryanna remembered me! She came running with a smile! Rosie is now a cute almost 2. The foster parents are gracious folks who really love and work with the girls.
In 2 weeks they will undergo a huge change again – their court date is the 30th, when Rod and Christina will officially adopt them. Thanks for any prayers all around…
We drove on to Salem where we visited the church that Mary attended when she was expecting Rosie. The folks there had welcomed her and provided all she needed plus. We wanted to say our final thank-yous, since we don’t plan to be in AR again soon!
It’s Monday and we’re writing this from Olive Branch, MS. Besides wind (& very poor road signage  in Memphis, TN) we had a good trip and won’t be going much further tonight.

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