Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Summer R.V. Trip 2017 - Week 4

In South Dakota we planned to visit a cousin we hadn’t seen in many years. However, Miss Winnie had her own mind – we got stuck 90 miles from cousin Ida’s place, with the R.V. not going anywhere. We were in a small town, but as God has always provided, there was a shop that could work on it the next day. We had the fuel pump replaced – something we’ve been wondering about for quite awhile. Tim and Ida went out of their way (literally!) to host us wanderers. We had a good visit and by driving to 11 p.m. the next day, made up the lost time.

In North Dakota, we stopped in DeSmet - Laura Ingall Wilder's home - they have a full program of events, but we didn't have time to stay - another time!

On Friday we crossed into Canada and visited 2 uncles and 1 aunt. Then we parked in a campground in the town where I attended ½ a year of grade 6!! A cousin came by and took us to her new place. 

Saturday we dropped by Millar College of the Bible where a cousin’s son has started attending. His folks are both gone, so we wanted to drop by. Brought him a lemon pie, since that’s what we always found at their house in South Dakota when we visited! He seems to be doing well – one day in!!

From there we went to Christina’s place. The girls have sure grown! It was very exciting and a direct answer to prayer to watch Rod and Jessica get baptized. The church had a potluck right after church, so we stayed.

Next came Shaunavon – another aunt and a cousin – and then Climax – 2 more cousins. Great to see everyone again. Strong Christian connections.

Passing through Idaho, we decided to stop in Wallace – a town we’ve often driven through. We had no idea – went on a silver mine tour via a trolley tour – worth every penny!!

We hit traffic in Coeur d’Alene, so here we are at McDonald’s – waiting for traffic to thin out!

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