Monday, September 4, 2017

Summer 2017 R.V. Trip - Week 3B

On our way north, I had this marvelous idea to try and find some ancient relatives’ tombstones (I saw them about 20 years ago, but wanted to go back.) We found a very old cemetery on the side of a steep hill in a town of several hundred population. While I was out looking, Roger attempted to turn the R.V. around. The steep, narrow road and the low hanging branches gave him few options. Plus, Miss Winnie wasn’t happy! She was overheating. As it turned out, Roger got stuck on the hillside and the R.V. wasn’t going anywhere. This is not really funny, but it did strike me as such! From experience we know that an hour cool down period is about all it takes for Miss Winnie to be raring to go again. So, we sat at a very awkward angle and played our Sunday Scrabble game. And, sure enough, with the cool down, he was able to get us back on the road (without too much trouble!!). We have towing on our insurance, but couldn’t imagine being towed out of a cemetery!! I laugh as I write this…Never a dull moment.

We visited George Washington Carver's birth place, as well as Harry Truman's. Also saw his farm where he learned to "sort things out" while he plowed.

Another place we saw was the location of the first Walmart. The sign still says "5 & 10", but it's not true!!

We’re looking forward to seeing some relatives we haven’t seen in a long time. The weather has been perfect; very little wind; traffic low; and good roads. We are blessed.

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