Thursday, May 18, 2017

Week 4 of our travels - Spring 2017

Friday was the last day of conference. John Bechtel was the speaker, and he is very funny! We laughed ‘til we cried. In the afternoon, CEF put on a “fair” of sorts – cotton candy, popcorn, suckers, balloon shapes, candy, and a photo set-up. With 1500+ people, there wasn’t much moving around! However, the long lines gave one a chance to get to know someone new. The evening/final session was filled with music. First an African choir; then a Korean one joined them; lastly, the children's choir composed of children of the attendees was brought up on stage.

Each choir sang and then the combined one – in several languages. Totally inspiring. One couple said they counted license plates from 32 different States – a great gathering! How Great is Our GOD!

Friday night we left Ridgecrest and drove as far as Asheville. Walmart had posted “no overnight parking”, so we went next door to Kohl’s, where we had company! Heading north, we had wonderful driving weather – good thing, since it was a lot further than we thought (well, I had calculated it at ~400 miles, but Roger’s smart phone and several attendees at the conference thought it was more like 300.) And, by the way, there are mountains out east, too! We went over several passes, which they call “gaps”.

We got to Columbus, OH, in the evening. The grandkids were happy to see us and came with many cards! Ellie, 8, and Kaydin, 6, were pleased to spend several nights with us.

We took them both to Sunday School and church. Daughter Crystal ended up taking the youngest to the ER in the night and they stayed in bed in the morning. A big disappointment was that that church, which we specifically targeted, does not pick up kids that far from them (about 8 miles). They have a great bus ministry, but not for us!

We spent Sunday afternoon at McDonald’s – air conditioned and a play land. Crystal and Hunter joined us and we spent hours there! It was great exercise for Ellie, who is really losing ground with her CP.

Crystal kept the kids out of school Monday so we could enjoy them an extra day. They liked the puzzles I brought, as well as the other small treats. We had a great parking spot, too.

But then it was time to move on. After lunch on Tuesday with the grandkids’ other grandma (where Roger rode the dinosaur), we headed north and west towards Rapid City, SD.

Wednesday we were glad to find a prayer meeting at a local Baptist Church in Galesburg, IL. That night there were tornado sightings where we were headed, so we stayed put. One tornado was clocked at 70 m.p.h. The R.V. got a royal washing and we were rocked to sleep. But the next day all was cleared up – and clean!

Thursday we stopped at two museums in Peoria, IL that interest Roger - trucks, tractors and trains. First the Caterpillar Museum, then the Wheels o' Time Museum, and eventually the Kinze Innovation Center, a leading developer of farm planting equipment

Now on towards SD and Alan’s place.

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