Sunday, August 21, 2022

Our 50th with the Kids

We stopped at Josh’s place for Friday night. Galina had asked us to babysit the kids so they could go downtown Sturgis. As it turned out Brandi and Josh stayed home, too. The kids entertained themselves!

After a morning Zoom session, we drove into Rapid City to make some preparations for the gathering. It took several hours to move into our motel room from the R.V. Just as we were leaving to pick up Mary & Scot, Christina’s family arrived. Alan drove us and Christina went along. Besides Mary & Scot, we picked up 2 rental cars. We hadn’t been back too long before we had to get Crystal & kids and Jazmin.

The 8 oldest girl cousins shared 2 connected rooms. Turns out they switched beds several times – getting to know each other a little.

Once everyone was assembled, we met in our room for a couple of mixer games, including the balloon pop. 24 of 26 gathered. Jessica and Tim were missing. I served chili to all.


Sunday morning found many of us in church! Mary, Christina, & Crystal were there with their families; some of Alan & Josh's families were there, too! Dinner at Millstone; then family pictures (all there for that). The kids went swimming and we had bar-b-que pork in the room for supper.



Monday morning we all met for games in the park. Everyone got in on the action. To Culvers for lunch. Then Alan took a group to the lake for jet skiing; on the way home they stopped to do some shooting. Some went shopping; some swimming. We brought KFC in for supper. Together we celebrated Christmas in August.


Tuesday noon found us at WaTiki water park. The kids were quite blown away with it!! Pizza for lunch. Chinese and Wendy’s for supper. Then Everyone’s Birthday celebration.


Wednesday morning started early with Crystal and kids leaving first. We dropped off one car at that point. Shortly thereafter it was Jazmin’s turn to board the plane. There was a long break before Scot and Mary left, so we drove Scarlett back to her home in Sturgis. Roger drove the R.V. to the airport and we left the second car. Now it was time to go to our room and rest and pack up!

Thank you, Lord, for this amazing get together!

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