Monday, June 27, 2022

All’s Well - Home Again

When we got word that the RV was fixed, we purchased tickets to fly and pick it up. Since we had emptied the RV, not knowing if we’d see it again, we had to pack some basic items needed to bring it home! That meant a lot of weight re-thinking! The suitcase we decided to pay for was limited to 40 lbs. Ours weighed 40.5!! Besides that, we had 2 personal items. We needed bedding, towels, silverware (2 spoons, 2 forks, 1 knife), plates, etc! (plus a few clothes!)

A dear friend drove us to the airport with her 3 young children. Traffic was terrific – with the rain and the long weekend, it took 3x the usual amount of time. However, we did arrive and were able to catch our flight.

To save $1000, we spent a night in the Denver airport. We were not the only ones – and it was quite comfortable. When we landed at midnight, we had to sit on the plane almost an hour before being released through an out-of-doors ramp. The air was refreshing and cool. (It had been 100 degrees.)

Another dear friend picked us up in St Louis, MO, and drove us to our RV, about 100 miles. We had a pleasant drive. How exciting to see our RV ready and waiting for us! Quickly loading it, we left as soon as possible. The repair shop had stayed open just so we could get the RV!

We drove about 5 miles when the check engine light came on. Roger called the repair shop and they told us to return. The mechanic was able to connect a vacuum hose and all seemed well. The next time the light came on we were about 100 miles away and decided to keep going, assuming it was the same issue. No other indication of trouble was showing. We had no further engine mishaps. However, about ½ way home, the passenger seat refused to snap into place, so every time we stopped or accelerated, the seat and its occupant moved, too! (The seat belt worked fine.)

Saturday night we spent at Walmart in Kansas City, KS. The next morning we found a close church and attended Sunday School and church. Then, they had a potluck dinner for Father’s Day!! How blessed can you get?

That night we got to Mitchell, SD – home of the corn palace! The weather was very cooperative and our a/c worked well.

Monday found us at Alan’s house. The generator gave up the ghost and so we had no electricity on board. But we enjoyed time with the 2 grandkids, playing a few games. We all went to bed early.

Tuesday morning we stopped by Scarlett’s place on our way out of town. Then continued on to Butte, MT. Traffic was almost non-existent. Weather beautiful. If the generator had gone out sooner, we would have been miserably hot. But, as it was, the weather cooled and we were fine.

The next day we got to Moses Lake, where we found a Wednesday night service – a revival. The speaker was super good! We could have parked there, but the traveling evangelist had the RV spot!

Our final day was short. Since we had had two 1 hour time changes in a few days, we were up early and ready to go. The last leg of the trip got us home by 10:30am. That gave Heather lots of time to prepare and teach her Zoom Good News Club.

God is good! Home is sweet.

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