Tuesday, September 6, 2022

On to CO

We had an interesting 2 days, visiting museums in the Kansas City area – both States! What we generally found is that many were closed – either permanently or for Labor Day weekend. After a few trips, we figured out to phone ahead! Nevertheless, we went to President Truman’s farm, a car museum, and several others. The Steamboat Arabia Museum was recommended as a worthwhile see, so we drove there only to find that there was no parking for R.V.s!!

We spent Saturday night with friends in Kansas City, MO. Sunday morning we drove to church – a 40-minute drive! Then lunch with them and off again to CO. On the way we stopped in Salina, KS, to attend an evening service. They played the music of our hearts – and were very hospitable. That night we were offered parking in the church parking lot. Our friends and the church provided electricity, which is a luxury! (We have a generator, but it has limited power.)

On Monday we drove through Ellis, KS. The town has a railroad ride and museum that were closed, as well as the Walter Chrysler boyhood home - but we'll be back! From there we continued to Colorado.

Driving from KS to CO on I-70, we were shocked to enter CO and their extremely terrible roads. It was hard to keep the R.V. on the road!! Definitely the worst roads we have ever traveled. However, about 20 miles into the State, the roads did improve for the most part. We parked at Falcon, CO, near Colorado Springs where we paid for full hook-ups. Every 5 days or so, we like to do that.

Thursday, September 1, 2022


As I already noted, I only ride kiddie rides. However, Roger talked me into going on the fireman ride - tightly buckled in, one is launched violently upward; then a fast descent - and repeat. I kept my eyes tightly shut; only my thumb got hurt when I was launched and my hand flew up.

The we went on the Flooded Mine ride - in a boat with guns. There are targets to shoot around every corner. The gun records how many hits you get. Imagine my shock and Roger's chagrin when I got more hits than he did!!

Before we left, I rode the balloon ride again. The air rushing by felt so good; and I like being able to look out over the lay of the land. He rode once, but can't handle the circular motion. I rode about 4 times!!

We rode the train and again enjoyed the train robbery, which we remembered from the past.

The last ride we did together - the covered wagon which gently rises up and down in a circular motion - frontward and then backward.

Now Silver Dollar City is behind us and we are heading to Kansas City. 

Driving north, we were awed by the incredible sunset - large, billowing clouds were edged in pink. God is an Awesome God!



Monday, August 29, 2022


On Monday Silver Dollar City was closed. This is the first year that we've been here where that was true. So that meant that we had the day to spend at the campground. After a slow, lazy morning, Roger went for a swim and I soaked my feet (I don't like to get too wet!!). We enjoyed lunch in the R.V. and after dishes, I had my nap (while Roger did the dishes...bless his heart). I awoke to a tremendous thundering rainstorm!! So glad not to be caught in it at the park. It's fun to be sitting in a pleasant R.V. and listening to the rain pouring down. We got in our weekly Scrabble game while the rain gushed.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Silver Dollar City

We arrived at Silver Dollar City campground on Thursday in time to hook the R.V. up and catch the afternoon bus to the park. 

The music is truly heavenly and greatly inspiring. God has gifted some folks with amazing vocal "pipes" and incredible abilities on keyboards, guitars, banjos, mandolins, etc.

Some of the groups we have heard include: Ernie Haase & Signature Sound, The Hoppers, Greater Vision, Jeff & Sherie Easter, The LeFevre Quartet, Dixie Echoes, The Littles, and more...

Chris Stanley is a magician/evangelist! We really enjoyed getting to know him a little more. He uses a comedic approach in performing his tricks.

The food is also superb - hard to pick each day where we'll eat.

And, yes, we have ridden a few rides. Since I only do kiddie rides, Roger has gone along with me!!

For our Sunday service, Dennis Swanberg preached - in his unique way- to a packed auditorium. His title was "Do what needs to be done right now - that's God's will" and he did a good job!

We also love going to the Wilderness Chapel that is always open. We were there for a hymn sing. The pianist teaches piano at College of the Ozarks - and she's good!


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Notes from CEF of Warrenton, MO

When we arrived at CEF, we were given a key (actually, it was left in the laundry room) that gave us access to all the outside doors. This was very nice because in the past we had to enter the front door and it was quite a walk from the R.V. Anyway, upon entering the side door, we came upon the new president of CEF, Jeremiah Cho. We introduced ourselves and were glad to meet him.

On Tuesday evening, we lit a fire in the pit and roasted hot dogs. There are lots of small branches/twigs laying around and we like to burn them. While sitting outside, we could hear a cardinal call. Later, we saw lightning bugs all around. It was a beautiful night to watch the stars and enjoy the outdoors.

This is the CMI (Christian Ministries Institute) time and that means that on Wednesday the students here give their testimonies. It was so encouraging to hear all the young people tell their history of how they came to the Lord and then gave Him control of their future.

My job on Wednesday was housekeeping. It took more energy that the kitchen work did and I'm worn out! Roger stayed with the outside job of tree trimming.

Tomorrow we move on to Silver Dollar City for a week of uplifting music!

Monday, August 22, 2022

Today at CEF HQs:

Roger was busy outside helping cut large thorns from trees while cutting the lower branches.


I worked in the kitchen – we fed 136 for lunch. I was the dishwasher with 2 helpers. But I ran the machine the whole time (a first for me!). I also washed about 2 dozen towels, cut up multitudes of veggies and 8 cucumbers; baked brownies & generally stayed out of trouble!!

Sunday, August 21, 2022

On to MO

Before we left town on Thursday, Alan and family took us out to Minerva’s for lunch. From there we headed south to Broadwater, NE, population 140. It was dark, but we found a side street surrounded by abandoned buildings and parked for the night under a streetlight. At one point a police car drove by, which reassured us that we weren’t totally on our own!  As we traveled, there were multiplied fields of sunflowers along the way and as the sun set, multiplied bugs hit the windshield. But we slept well. Here's a daytime image of where we parked.

Continuing on to MO, we stopped at North Platte, NE, at the Golden Spike Tower. Besides the tower that relates railroad history, the world’s largest train yard surrounds it. We learned a lot about how rail cars are directed and connected to the right engine. The information was overwhelming…!

From there we went to a pony express stop museum. Although Roger thought we had been there before with the kids, it didn’t look right. We learned that the youngest pony rider was 11! It was a dangerous job – they advertised for orphans to ride. When we described what we remembered about the place we had visited with our kids in 1992, they directed us to a sod house museum across town. And that was what we remembered – only it did not seem to be maintained very well.

We drove on to Grand Island, NE, and spent the night in a truck stop. Slept well!

Saturday we went to the Stuhr Pioneer Museum in Grand Island, NE. They have 100 buildings onsite. The museum is set in the 1890’s era. We couldn’t begin to visit it all, but enjoyed what we could, including watching several men tanning a deer hide.


We ended up in Columbia, MO, and spent the night in a truck stop. We slept well. Sometimes these overnights amongst the trucks are noisy, but this night was pretty quiet.