Thursday, August 24, 2017

Summer 2017 R.V. Trip - Week 1

We left early Thursday (6:45) to avoid traffic and truly didn’t have any traffic issues. Also wanted to get over the pass before the heat, since Miss Winnie doesn’t like to drive in heat. It was not a problem. Our first stop is always Cle Elum’s bakery. Across the street from there is a meat shop where we got some beef jerky.
We were pushing to cover miles, since Alan decided he needed some help from Roger. Our first night was in Butte, MT. (at Walmart) Their parking lot was being re-striped and the guy worked all night on it.
The next day started great. But once we hit the heat of the day and were driving at 5000+ altitude, the old R.V started to protest. Three times it lost power to the extent that it stopped running – some gas starvation problem (vapor lock?). However, after a cool down rest, it started right up and was rarin’ to go! We played Scrabble at the first stop, Hand and Foot at the next and Skipbo at the last. By then the air had cooled and we were able to drive the last 2 hours into Rapid City.
Saturday we spent enjoying the grandkids; going out to eat compliments of Alan & family; running errands and working on projects. It was great!

After church Sunday we grilled brats and had lunch in the R.V.

Then we hit the road again.

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