Monday, July 4, 2016

Zoey, hail and fireworks!

Zoey is a cute busy 2 year old. She keeps her mother hopping! While somewhat shy at first, she has warmed up a little to us. She’s not saying many words, but loves to babble very expressively to herself and to anyone in her hearing.

She’ll put her finger to her lips, lower her head and shyly say “shh” while looking up to see if someone is watching!! When I sing to her she is totally engaged.

A friend gave Alan a 21’ fishing boat that needed work. When we arrived, he was frantically putting on some finishing touches so we could go out in it. On Friday evening, he launched it and Rog & I each had a “ride”.

Saturday was spent on the lake with many friends and friends of friends. The boat couldn’t hold us all, so Rog & I sat on the shore (we were on the boat initially until others arrived). Roger even went swimming in the clear, clean lake! The next day he had sore shoulders and neck!

Sunday we enjoyed worshiping at Parkview Evangelical Free Church. Zoey loved the nursery and was most unhappy to have to leave!! We hope she’ll be back soon.

In the afternoon we had 2 hail storms. The hail was the size of lima beans and came fast and furiously. It bounced on the grass and everywhere else. The T.V. kept issuing warnings about severe weather. However, we came through it o.k. and the sun came out later.

In the evening we watched fireworks. Zoey thought they were great. One loud boom caused her to move closer to her folks, but she immediately recovered!! She’s a gem.

Shortly after we got home, the rain started again. God was gracious to give us a beautiful evening for the fireworks.

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