Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Wild Rose R.V. Park, Colbert, WA

Well, here we are in Colbert at a pleasant R.V. park on our way to Kellogg's gondola - the world's longest gondola, they say. We rode it last summer, but the smoke was so heavy we couldn't see anything, so decided at that point to return sometime.

This is now the beginning of our 50th anniversary celebration - we'll take a year to celebrate!

The R.V. park owner was a former farmer and I guess he still loves to farm. He has a large garden out back that all his customers can help themselves to whatever is there. Whatever doesn't get picked gets plowed back under for next year. We're a little early for most crops - corn, onions, kale, rhubarb, green beans, etc.

Because of the heat, the gondola was shut down at noon, so we'll ride tomorrow. After a leisurely drive to Kellogg, we park right there so we can ride first thing in the morning. In the evening we put together a puzzle. The air cools nicely at night and we sleep well.