Saturday, June 9, 2018

Spring 2018 RV trip 14th – and Final - Posting

In Bozeman, MT, we spent a lot of time at the Museum of the Rockies. Did you know that when a shepherd had 1,000 sheep, he would bell some of them and they would “collect” their group of sheep. So every evening when they circled around his covered wagon, it saved him from counting them all – he just had to check and make sure all the belled sheep were there.

Signs to the Greycliff Prairie Dog Town State Park enticed us to drive there and check it out. The prairie dogs were very shy and warned their neighbors as soon as we got too close, which wasn’t close at all. This one may have been watching the train in the distance. We remembered the story of Lewis and Clark first seeing them (they are unique to the N. American continent), and how difficult it was for them to capture a few to show off in D.C.

Spent the night in Butte, MT, and had lunch at the Wagon Wheel in Drummond at cousin Judy’s restaurant. She wasn’t there, but the food was good! From there we drove to Missoula, MT, and toured the facility where the smoke jumpers are trained. We learned about their parachutes – and how precise the packing of them is. A new packer has to pack 20 of them perfectly, and then he has to wear the 21st one when he jumps.

The weather was hot and sticky, so we weren’t motivated to drive too far without stopping (at rest stops, McDonald’s, Walmart, etc.). Miss Winnie wasn’t at all happy about the heat, but she kept on moving. The heat gauge was pegged over the top, but we now realize that there is a problem with the gauge – just not sure how much of a problem nor how to solve it.

In ID, we stopped at Wallace for the night. The campground there was quiet and peaceful – with a babbling brook running right behind our R.V. We both slept about 9 hours – very unusual!

The next day we stopped in Spokane at cousin Laura Swanson’s to say “hi” to the family. Home was still too far away, so we spent Thursday night in the rest area in Cle Elum. We did that once before on our trial run with our “new” R.V. It was very loud, and we found that hadn’t changed since our night 2 years ago. So our last night wasn’t as restful as the previous one had been.

We arrived home amid rain and cold weather! But home is home and it’s good to be here. God graciously brought us safely home.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Spring 2018 RV trip 13th Posting

Crossing the mighty Mississippi River from WI to MN was a very fun adventure. We stopped at the visitor center and were told the locks were just up river a short drive. Upon arriving there, we observed a barge with tug boat going through them. It was so large that the load had to be split in ½. We watched the barges getting situated in the lock – with only a total of 5 extra feet of width (total 110 feet wide lock). The lock could accommodate 600 feet of “boat”. Once all was tied tight, the water began to drain – all by gravity. After both ½s were on the same level again, we watched it all being tied back together.

Then they were ready to move on downriver to the train bridge. We followed the barge and saw the bridge opening (it had to swing open) after a very long and slow train crossed! The locks were built in the 30’s and the train bridge was older.

On the way to SD we took a break at a roadside rest stop and saw this truck.

Miss Winnie was most unhappy with the hot weather. We’ve had it in the 90s. The wind (which has faithfully been blowing) cooled us some, but not the engine!

We did arrive at Alan’s and the weather has cooled.

Zoey and Wyatt have been a delight to play with. Zoey likes puzzles, drawing, games (by her rules), and playing hide and seek. That’s a real trick in the R.V. – which they love to be in!! We’ve been trying to show her how letter sounds work, so she can read. Maybe next time…

Now on our last leg home. We’ll take our time and trust the Lord to get us home over the mountains.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Spring 2018 RV trip 12th Posting

The Old Graue Mill in Oak Brook was a favorite field trip for our family when we lived in IL. We went back and strolled along the Salt River. Then we purchased some fresh grown/ground corn meal to make corn bread (when we get home). It was a fun outing.

Heather’s cousin Mary welcomed us Friday evening.

On Saturday we got together with “old” friends Gary and Rosemary. It was too warm to stay outside to eat, but later we were able to sit on the deck and enjoy the river that runs along the back edge of the property. Almost 50 years of memories…

Sunday at Mary’s church; then lunch together. And some games. Then time to move on…

We spent the night in a Walmart in Harvard, IL. Memorial Day we were invited to Lee and Dottie’s for a bar-b-que. Several of their kids came by, too. Heather was the first visitor to see their son Jonathan shortly after he was born in 1972. Lee and Dottie served in the Philippines and later in the States. Now they’re venturing into something new – iTEE. (Internet theological teaching/training for pastors who have not had schooling.)

On our way home now! Spent the night in Baraboo, WI. Rapid City is our last planned stop.